Youth Hub Coordinator (Community Development Program), Maningrida based Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation



BAC is a large and complex regional community development organisation providing services to homelands in the Maningrida region, administering some 50 grants and managing a suite of businesses and programs including:  Housing, Civil Works, Essential Services, Bábbarra Women’s Centre, Bawinanga Rangers, Barlmarrk Supermarket, Fuel Supplies, Mechanical Workshops, Arts and Culture/Djomi Museum, Wild Foods Café, Community Patrol, Employment Services and Money Management Services.

BAC is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by corporation members every two years.  BAC enacts policies developed at the executive level through the leadership of the CEO and the Senior Management team. 

BAC’s mission is to improve the lifeways of our people on land and sea in order to preserve and grow culture and language.  

BAC is a values-based organisation with an emphasis on: Trust, Transparency, Innovation and Partnership.  These are principles and behaviours we display when working together.


This position is responsible for leading the work of the Youth Hub Activities to ensure effective and efficient service delivery of this government funded Community Development Program Activity. This role requires communication and collaboration between key stakeholders, coordinates and develops program for participants. 



  • Ability to enthuse and encourage participants to develop fun and also meaningful Computer based skills. 
  • Proven experience to work effectively in culturally diverse teams and in cross-cultural contexts, including excellent relationship building skills to motivate and build rapport with others.
  • Effective communication, negotiation, assessment and observation skills with an ability to rapidly create understanding to apply new learning.
  • Ability to coordinate internal and External Training that is relevant to our Computer Youth Hub.
  • A proven track record of being able to supervisor youth type programs, positive community and stakeholder engagement practices that assist vulnerable people to improve their employment prospects.
  • Well-developed planning, time management and organisational skills to manage competing deadlines, balance relationships and remain compliant within government operational guidelines.
  • Advanced computer skills including word processing, spread sheets, asset registers and CDP task management database to accurately record, document and report on activity and engagement outcomes.
  • Knowledge of compliance of contractual obligations and meeting different legislative requirements under the Australian and Territory Governments.
  • Strong mentoring skills and experience in building, managing and motivating youth 17-26 YO CDP participants.


  • Experience living and working in remote communities
  • Experience and/or knowledge of Aboriginal culture and communities and how they operate.
  • Experience working for a community development or not-for-profit organisation.

What are we offering you?…..In return for your skills and experience you will be rewarded with:

A generous salary package
6 weeks Annual Leave
Salary Sacrificing options
17.5% Annual Leave loading
Rent free accommodation if you are relocating to Maningrida
12% superannuation
Most importantly you will have the once in a lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in culture while creating memories, experiences and engaging with people that will change your life.

This position is in Maningrida, an indigenous community 500 km north east of Darwin. This is not a FIFO role, living and working in a remote community is not for everyone, please consider this before applying.

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are strongly encouraged to apply.



Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation

Job Salary

$60,000 - $69,999

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